Remove Pet Fur For Good!

Do you suffer from Dog or Cat allergies? It will undoubtedly feel as if you're fighting a super-villain when it comes to pet hair—remove it, and it looks like mere moments later, there's double compared to before. If you're going to save the city—I mean, your home—here are, hands down, the best vacuum for pet hair and hardwood floors techniques

First Floors!

To some extent, each pet owner has to make peace with the fact that there will always be some pet fur. Also, you've possibly already accepted that you have a lot of vacuuming to do to remove it. But here are some methods to minimize your work on the floors.

Hard Floor Surfaces

Instead of a vacuum, use an electrostatic dust mop for hard floors, at least for a first pass. Vacuum exhausts can cause hair to fly around back onto surfaces, canceling the whole reason for vacuuming. Even the use of a broom can send hair flying. Instead, objects like a Swifter will hold the hair in its place. One can even change the disposable wipes with a microfiber cloth, containing that actual electrostatic charge.

Carpeted Floors & Area Rugs

Before vacuuming, spread baking soda over the carpets (no surprise coming from me, right?). Helping slacken the hair and also freshens at the same time.

One can also utilize a dry rubber squeegee or rubber broom to remove any pet fur from carpets. It may surprise you out slightly and cause slight rage at your vacuum (why is it missing so much?!), but man, does it work. "rake" an area with the item, in short, quick strokes, and you'll see hair coming off the carpet.

If one's carpet corners and edges are dark, it means you've got a lot of fur build-up you require to deal with. Put on a rubber glove, wet the pointer finger, then grind it across the place where the carpet meets the baseboard. (Insert shame face here.)

Lastly, if you've got the finance for it, get a robot vacuum. This item doesn't complain. It just vacuums 24/7, on your command, maintaining pet hair, so you don't have to. Additionally, it amuses the pets! My advice is to sandwich the cleaning of the rest of the room between two solid floor-vacuuming sessions for pet owners.


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