Best pet hair Vacuum Guidelines

 Fuzzy pets constitute a significant part of American households and, as any pet owner knows, cats and dogs make the perfect company. But inevitably, their hair ends up scattered. Pet hair and dander can be a lot stressful. It can be unhealthy if anyone in the household suffers from allergies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America claims that as many as three among ten people with allergies have allergic reactions to cats and dogs.

Luckily, vacuuming and preventive maintenance can assist reduce allergens at home and increase the circulation of fresh air.


Find the Areas Where Pet Hair Accumulates

The areas in your home that happen to accumulate the most pet hair are those that have high static energy, says Garvin Mark, founder of Pet Pros Services, an organization that specializes in cleaning homes that have pets. “The less airflow in a place, the more pet hair there will be,” says Mark. 

These areas might include;


        Areas close to laundry baskets

         floor lamps

         In your pet’s crate

         under bed



         Hair will also cluster in basements

        Around door jams

        The bottom hinges of doors.


Requirements Required for Cleaning Pet Hair

One important thing one should do is make sure you own a vacuum for pet hair with powerful suction. If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, the ASPCA encourages one to own a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arresting) filter, so the hair and dirt don’t flow back into the air.

A quality vacuum with powerful suction is the perfect tool, but one can also use an excellent dry mop in non-carpeted rooms, and you can do fast cleanups in high-traffic places by means of microfiber dust mops. Abstain from using brooms whenever possible as they happen to bring more hair and dander into the air.

When trying to clean hard-to-reach places of your hard surface or carpeted floor, the following vacuum attachments may be helpful:


Stair attachment

This instrument is shaped like a smaller version of a vacuum head and assists clean;




        small carpeted areas.


Rectangle and crevice attachment

This attachment—long with a narrow end—assists in cleaning those hard-to-reach corners. For the places that the rectangle attachment won’t reach, the crevice attachment will. Utilize the crevice attachment on door jams and around hinges.


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